Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How I feel about reading

I mainly read for school and sometimes the newspaper just to be informed what has been going around the world. I personally don't have an opinion about reading. My opinions for reading always changes based on what I read and when I read. One reason that I might like reading is that meeting new characters can be fun. In books you can discover so much more about the characters' inner personal feelings than you can descover about anyone you know. Sometimes you can also find characters like you, which can draw you into reading. Another reason why i might like reading is that you can use your imagination and picture your own world inside the book. Everybody would be imagining different pictures based on their background or what they like. One reason why I might now like reading is that reading takes up too much time. There is so much work from school that I have to finish everyday that I just don't have time for books. Another reason is that sometime the books gets too repetitive and boring once you get to know about the characters. But in any way, I think people read everyday even though they are not reading books. They might be reading newspapers or articles from the internet. I think reading is involved in everybody's lives in one way or the other. People just might not have realized it.

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