Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to make it to school on time.

First ask your self "what time do I sleep?" You will probably say, "two" AM. From doing what? And you will say,"uh, computer?" Wrong answer. The answer is nothing. Take your alarm clock shoved under your pillow and set the alarm to 6AM and leave it inside the pillow. It is 11 PM. You are still infront of the computer with no knowlege of the two english essays, a chemistry lab, and 62 calculus problems that were assigned two weeks ago that are all due tomorrow. Your phone starts to ring and you wonder who in the world would be calling you. You pick up. "yo, do you get number 59 on our calculus packet?" comes pouring into your right ear. Say no and just hang up on him. Start to panic because you have just realized that the 62 calculus problems were a take home test worth 20% of your quarter grade in which you currently have an average of 68. Start thinking of all the possible excuses that you can give to your teacher but come up with none. Take out your calender with all your plans written on it and look for the week that the quarter ends. Scrach out the movies on monday with two of your friends, the dinner on tuesday with your coach and your teamates, the band concert on wednesday that you have been waiting for almost six months, your best friend's birthday party on thursday, and the friday night with your friends that you cannot miss out because on that week you will be grounded for failing calculus. It's 12AM. Take out the two assignment sheets for your english essay and start writing like it's the end of the world. Be done with them in an hour because there is a chemistry lab that you have to write up. After you are done with your english essays, take a look at the chemistry lab and try to remember how many drops of hydrochloric acid solution that your partner added to 200mL of water, while you played with the bunsen burner while listening to some japanese rock music and got burnt on the hand and sent to the nurse. No matter how much you squeeze the juice out of your brain, you don't remember. Just write down 20 drops and wrap up the lab with a conclusion that you have no idea what you just wrote about. It's 3AM. Take a second to get organized and throw your self into your bed with your calculus assignment and attempt to try the first problem. You look at it for 30minutes and fall asleep. Dream about a bomb that is going to blow up if you don't solve the 62 calculus problems in three seconds. The alarm goes off and the loud beeps coming from your pillow make you panic, stumble off your bed, and reach for cover under your bed. You realize that it is only a dream and thank God a million times. Grab a towel and get into shower and fall a sleep for 50 minutes. The water suddenly turns cold and you wake up and run out of the shower into your room naked. It's 7:10 and you realize that one more late is an additional hour to 6 hours of detention, a call home, and another week grounded. Get dressed as fast as you can. Grab a cereal bar from the kitchen and make a run for the door. Before you step out take one last look at your self in the mirror. Observe all the red veins covering almost all the white parts of your eyes. It's 7:20. Make a run for the door and out the door you go. Your hair drips every time your foot hits hard on the ground striving for the main entrance of the school. It's 7:28 and you make it alive. Run to calculus your first period class and push open the door. Take a step in. Everyone is quiet. They are staring at you as if you shouldn't be there because this is the fifth time that you are coming to class since the beginning of school year that started two months ago. Take a seat at the back corner and wait for the teacher to collect the take home assignment. Imagine her with her big fat grade book ready to stamp a big fat "F" on your forehead when you tell her that your dog ate your homework. Then she would say, "cass, can I have your attention please? I have decided to move the due date for the math assignment that was supposed to be due today to next week." Then the bell would ring. Congratulations. You made it.


  1. The line I like is "The alarm goes off and the loud beeps coming from your pillow make you panic, stumble off your bed, and reach for cover under your bed. You realize that it is only a dream and thank God a million times." When I am reading this line, I have a familiar feeling. If I don't finish my homework, I will worry about it all time. I actually find this line quite funny. The narrator thanks god for million times. So how many times is she going to thank god when she is told that the due date for the math assignment is moved?

  2. ""cass, can I have your attention please? I have decided to move the due date for the math assignment that was supposed to be due today to next week." Then the bell would ring. Congratulations. You made it."
    I think that has happened to every student at least once.

    I really enjoyed reading your piece because I feel like this is something all students can relate to. I personally dont take classes like that but I know the feeling of procrastination. I can tell that you put a lot of time and effort in this and it really shows. I also like the fact you made it like an actual schedual of one day that could happen to anyone

  3. This is so good. You have so many great details.
    The clock under the pillow, the drops of acid in lab, the cereal bar, the red veins in the have so many great details, and it really reminds me of Moore's style, but it's your voice. Awesome.
