Sunday, June 7, 2009

vast hell

The sound of children's joyful laughter filled the church as they raced one another to the main doors of the church when they saw a black car slowly park in the front. The children lined up in a straight line against the wall in front of the church and greeted the visitors of the day. The driver quickly got out of the car and opened the passenger seat door for the elegant lady to step out. The priest greeted the lady with a hug and welcomed her to the orphanage. She looked at the children and noticed that they all had big smiles on, each and every one of them. It almost remined her of joker's face.
The inside of the church was filled with holy paintings and the serenity that comforted the lady. The priest guided her to the dinning table and called in the children for lunch. The children were all too well behaved for their age. They were careful with their plates and did not speak unless the priest have them permission to speak. Accidentally one of the children dropped his fork. He slowly looked up at the priest with frightened eyes. The lady glanced at the priest and caught a twitch in his eyes. The boy asked the priest to be dismissed and left the table. Everyone was quiet and no one made a sound. Lightly tapping the plate with his fork, the priest asked everyone to enjoy the meal with a cheerful tone.
The next day the boy was never seen again and non of the children seemed to notice it as they played in the field. The priest came towards the lady and asked her if she had made up her mind about which child to adopt. The lady said she needed one more day.
That night the lady wanted to find the bed chamber of the children so she walked though the hall looking for their room. She found neither their bed chamber nor traces of the children, but she spotted the priest opening a chained up door at the end of the hall. The lady curiously walked towards the door and looked inside. There she found the boy who had dropped his fork lying on the floor. He did not move as the priest stood over his body and checked for his pulse.
The next day the lady left early in the morning without telling anyone that she was leaving. As she drove away she looked back to see the vast hell that the children were living in one last time.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The visit of spring

The night was silent with no movement other than the snow that fell endlessly from the heavens. The chimney from every house puffed up smoke traveling with the wind. This was the worst and the longest winter that the town had ever faced. The lake remained frozen for over four years and it was impossible to grow any crop in this harsh weather condition. Now food and lumber for fire was starting to run out as every family gathered any food and wood that they could find for their own families.

At the Johnson's house everyone gathered around the dinner table and got ready for supper. Mr. Johnson began the supper prayer but soon he was disturbed by a knocking on the door. "Who is it?" shouted out Mrs. Johnson. There was no reply. "Maybe it was the wind," she thought and started back to the table. Then there was another knocking. Mrs. Johnson slowly opened the door and found an old lady shivering at the steps of the entrance of the house. The old lady had no shoes and was covered with rags. Her feet had caught frost bites and her hands were crippled. Her hair was long and white and her face was covered with wrinkles. She held out her crippled hands to Mrs. Johnson and said, "would you have pity on me and spare a room and supper for me for a few nights?" Mrs. Johnson looked at the old lady with disgust then looked backed at her four little children fighting over a piece of bread. Then Mr. Johnson came out and reacted the same way as Mrs. Johnson then he said, "sorry but we don't have room in here but you will see a cottage behind the house. You can stay there."

The old lady took their hands in her crippled hands and thanked them over and over again then hurried off to the cottage. Behind the house she found no cottage but a barn. She stepped in and settled herself as she covered herself with hay.

Inside the house Mrs. Johnson took the bowl chipped on the sides and poured in the leftover chicken soup from her children's bowls. When she caught a few pieces of chicken in the bowl that her children had missed, she took her spoon and put the pieces back into the pot. She stirred the soup one last time to check for anymore pieces in the bowl and made her way to the barn. She opened the door of the barn to gave the lady her chicken soup that was almost all water and salt. The old lady took it and thanked Mrs. Johnson with such honesty that made Mrs. Johnson feel as if something was caught in her throat.

The next day all the towns people heard about the old lady who had come last night. They were amazed at how she was able to make it through the snow. It was almost impossible for anyone to walk a few distance in the snow, but yet she had walked over ten miles to get to this town. No one even knew where she had come from but everyone thought that she was a witch.

One night, as the old lady waited for her supper in the barn, she heard something outside. She ignored it and continued to wait for the supper that never came. As she sat there helplessly she felt that the barn was starting to get warmer. Then she noticed that the barn was on fire. The old lady ran out of the barn and reached the mountain top where she was able to see the whole town. She could see that they barn was burning in blazing fire that no one intended to put it out. She sat on the cold ground with her back leaned on to a tree and watched the smoke coming out of the chimney of every house. The smoke that night seemed so black and cold compared to the white snow flasks that seemed so gentle and warm to the old lady. The smoke rose and rose high up to the sky away from the old lady as the white snow flasks settled gently on the old lady until she was completely blanketed by the white sheet of snow. There she drew her very last breath so warm and pure that it melted away all the snow and warmed up the earth to bring spring back to the town. The next day spring had arrived and everybody in the town cheered thinking that the witch had died in the fire and that her death had finally ended the icy cold winter.

Mrs. Johnson look up at the sky and remembered the only conversation that she had with the old lady. "What's your name," Mrs. Johnson had asked.
"My name? My name is spring."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Home from school

It's 7AM and you slowly open your eyes to find your self in a mood to skip school for a day. Your parents had already left for work and there is no one to stop you from falling back asleep. Your eye lids slowly close, then pop back up and then slowly and ever so gently fall back down as you drift off to sleep.

You wake up to find nothing to do in the house. While you walk to the kitchen to get something to eat you find the door of the attic slightly ajar. You reach for the door knob and close the door. The door squeaks and opens again. This time curious, you open the door wider and slowly walk up the stairs. You reach the top. Everything is dusty and covered with white sheets. You have never been in the attic before. Beams of light penetrate through the small windows high up in the ceiling. You take the end of one of the white sheets and pull it to uncover what is hiding beneath it. It's a pink baby's crib. It must have been your's. You take the end of another white sheet and uncover it. It's another baby's crib but in blue. You imagine your mom getting every kind of baby materials in every color when she had you. You look around and walk towards the next object covered under the white sheets until you stumble and fall upon something on the floor. There were two baby rattles, one in blue and one in pink. You take both in your hands and rattle them with a smile but then you stop. The blue rattle made no sound. All the beads must have fallen out. You get back up and pull off the next white sheet. It's a drawer. You open the first drawer and find all kinds of baby's clothing that are almost all pink and white. You assume that they are your's and pick up a small hat and feel it against your cheek. You open the second drawer. It's also filled with baby's clothing almost blue and white. You reach to pick one up but stop because they are not your's. You turn around and stare at the broken blue rattle laying on the floor and the blue baby's crib alined with the pink baby's crib. You take two steps backwards and knock over what looks like a photo album. You pick it up and wipe off the layer of dust covering the words on the album. It read "Memories With My Baby." You open the album to find many pictures of you and your parents when you were just a baby. Instead of finishing it you close the album and reach up the shelf to put it back but one photo slips out of the album and lands on the floor faced down. It read "my lovely baby twins John & Kate." You turn over the photo and find your mom, dad, you, and another you in the picture. And you say, "I'm Kate. Who are you?"

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The breeze

The sun light reflects off of the ocean.
The ocean looks icy cold but yet it is warm and refreshing
The breeze of the wind has a tint of a minty scent mixed with the smell of sea water
Sea weeds, and bubbles rush to shore
The fine sand below the feet feels warm and powder like
Small pieces of sea shells lay broken mixed with the sand
There are sea gulls soaring freely through the wind as they look for a food source

The nervousness overwhelms her head
The thought the he will not return for her makes her scared and lonely
Lieing to her dad makes her feel guilty
She comforts her by imagining his face
There, she waits and slowly falls asleep.
Based on memoirs of a teenage amnesiac.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to make it to school on time.

First ask your self "what time do I sleep?" You will probably say, "two" AM. From doing what? And you will say,"uh, computer?" Wrong answer. The answer is nothing. Take your alarm clock shoved under your pillow and set the alarm to 6AM and leave it inside the pillow. It is 11 PM. You are still infront of the computer with no knowlege of the two english essays, a chemistry lab, and 62 calculus problems that were assigned two weeks ago that are all due tomorrow. Your phone starts to ring and you wonder who in the world would be calling you. You pick up. "yo, do you get number 59 on our calculus packet?" comes pouring into your right ear. Say no and just hang up on him. Start to panic because you have just realized that the 62 calculus problems were a take home test worth 20% of your quarter grade in which you currently have an average of 68. Start thinking of all the possible excuses that you can give to your teacher but come up with none. Take out your calender with all your plans written on it and look for the week that the quarter ends. Scrach out the movies on monday with two of your friends, the dinner on tuesday with your coach and your teamates, the band concert on wednesday that you have been waiting for almost six months, your best friend's birthday party on thursday, and the friday night with your friends that you cannot miss out because on that week you will be grounded for failing calculus. It's 12AM. Take out the two assignment sheets for your english essay and start writing like it's the end of the world. Be done with them in an hour because there is a chemistry lab that you have to write up. After you are done with your english essays, take a look at the chemistry lab and try to remember how many drops of hydrochloric acid solution that your partner added to 200mL of water, while you played with the bunsen burner while listening to some japanese rock music and got burnt on the hand and sent to the nurse. No matter how much you squeeze the juice out of your brain, you don't remember. Just write down 20 drops and wrap up the lab with a conclusion that you have no idea what you just wrote about. It's 3AM. Take a second to get organized and throw your self into your bed with your calculus assignment and attempt to try the first problem. You look at it for 30minutes and fall asleep. Dream about a bomb that is going to blow up if you don't solve the 62 calculus problems in three seconds. The alarm goes off and the loud beeps coming from your pillow make you panic, stumble off your bed, and reach for cover under your bed. You realize that it is only a dream and thank God a million times. Grab a towel and get into shower and fall a sleep for 50 minutes. The water suddenly turns cold and you wake up and run out of the shower into your room naked. It's 7:10 and you realize that one more late is an additional hour to 6 hours of detention, a call home, and another week grounded. Get dressed as fast as you can. Grab a cereal bar from the kitchen and make a run for the door. Before you step out take one last look at your self in the mirror. Observe all the red veins covering almost all the white parts of your eyes. It's 7:20. Make a run for the door and out the door you go. Your hair drips every time your foot hits hard on the ground striving for the main entrance of the school. It's 7:28 and you make it alive. Run to calculus your first period class and push open the door. Take a step in. Everyone is quiet. They are staring at you as if you shouldn't be there because this is the fifth time that you are coming to class since the beginning of school year that started two months ago. Take a seat at the back corner and wait for the teacher to collect the take home assignment. Imagine her with her big fat grade book ready to stamp a big fat "F" on your forehead when you tell her that your dog ate your homework. Then she would say, "cass, can I have your attention please? I have decided to move the due date for the math assignment that was supposed to be due today to next week." Then the bell would ring. Congratulations. You made it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

The book that I chose to read is called Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac. The main character of this book is Naomi. Naomi is a bright girl interested in the yearbook club, photography, and taking pictures. However, one day she wakes up in an ambulance with amnesia after she hit her head on the steps. When she wakes up she realizes that she had forgotten her past 4 years of life. When she looks at the mirror she see someone who she does not recognize. She also realizes that her parents are divorced and that she has a boy friend. At her first day at school, everyone scrutinizes her from her head to toes. At the same time Naomi is afraid to approch anyone for the fear that she might say something that she would not usually say. Everybody tells her that she still looks the same but she acts so differently. During the time of this confusion, she meets James, who comforts her and helps her out of the maze that she is in. Naomi starts to develope feelings for James, who everybody thinks is a crazy lunatic, but she realizes that she already has a boyfriend Ace, who is attractive and popular around girls. Naomi gradually realizes that this is not her true self. The pictures of herself that Naomi had taken during the last couple of years was not someone that Naomi expected. The girl with the long straight hair wearing a tight tank top with goose bums on her arms could not have been herself in Naomi's thought. She also finds a bottle of birth control pills in her desk drawer, which she was surprised to find. Naomi is frustrated with her not being able to remember things that had changed her into someone that she does not recognize. She is now faced to answer the question "what were you like and what turned you this way?" So far I am enjoying this book because Naomi really represents what high school students are going through everyday. She deals with peer pressure, relationships, and social party nights. Now with amnesia, she is discovering her true identity and facing her true self. I think this is a great book for teenagers in finding out their true selves. I would recomend this book to other people.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How I feel about reading

I mainly read for school and sometimes the newspaper just to be informed what has been going around the world. I personally don't have an opinion about reading. My opinions for reading always changes based on what I read and when I read. One reason that I might like reading is that meeting new characters can be fun. In books you can discover so much more about the characters' inner personal feelings than you can descover about anyone you know. Sometimes you can also find characters like you, which can draw you into reading. Another reason why i might like reading is that you can use your imagination and picture your own world inside the book. Everybody would be imagining different pictures based on their background or what they like. One reason why I might now like reading is that reading takes up too much time. There is so much work from school that I have to finish everyday that I just don't have time for books. Another reason is that sometime the books gets too repetitive and boring once you get to know about the characters. But in any way, I think people read everyday even though they are not reading books. They might be reading newspapers or articles from the internet. I think reading is involved in everybody's lives in one way or the other. People just might not have realized it.